Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby FoxTheTrot » Sat Nov 07, 2015 3:38 am

Like the title asks. Has anyone uploaded step files of all of the delta parts? It would make it easier for new people to make modifications and tweak the controller to their liking before printing. Which is mainly an issue for the parts without drawings and dimensions for.

Second. Has anyone tried the new handle from zdayton? It looks like the buttons might be too small, but did anyone else put one together along with the PCB's and had it work fine?

I'm close to executing a build and have made modifications to some parts, now I'm stuck debating on the handle. Tried messaging around and things look a little dead around here so I thought i'd make a post.
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Re: Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby zdayton » Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:38 am

.stp and .ipt added to the github

After using it for a bit I think its about 10-20% too small though
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Re: Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby FoxTheTrot » Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:26 am

Alright, i think ill print the handle alittle larger and scale the buttons to be taller. Will need to figure out how to attach the pcb after i scale it. Possibly with hot glue at first and then secure it with something stronger later.

Edit: Now that i think about it, scaling the handle without scaling the pcb may introduce some issues with still actuating the buttons. I think they still could be fine, but i'm not skilled at using eagle to modify the pcb to be sure...
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Re: Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby Zispinhoff » Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:12 pm

Anything end up coming of this? I've started building mine and I love the look of the new handle, but I'm concerned. I didn't see a PCB that I could obtain for it, and it's my first project with intergrated electronics. Did it come out alright?

Edit: Alright, I've learned a little more about this, I have to use the files and make my own PCB. What about scaling it in size though? that looks like it's still in the air.
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Re: Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby twschum » Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:26 pm

I have been working on my own during limited free time this semester. I am using the new handle and while its definitely small, its a lot better than the old one, but my eagle skills aren't good enough to scale such a part, let alone the handle properly.
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Re: Can we get Step Files? Also, Anyone try the new Handle?

Postby Zispinhoff » Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:59 pm

I have a couple tips for printing the new handle and making the board. As far as the size is concerned, it's fairly simple and fits well if you print it scaled up 20%. Bear in mind, it doesn't fit in your hand like a gun but rather, it's angled. The point of the bend of the new handle should point more into your palm rather than the heel of your thumb. If you're handy with a drill, just rotate the effector 120°and make a pair of new holes, at the new proper distance from the center.

I can't CAD, so a lot of my changes were done after the print. I found the new handle sat far too close to the effector, so I made a little pedestal for it by slicing off the bottom of the old handle.

The PCB definitely won't fit inside the upscaled parts, but I found that a trimmed Schmartboard took the components on very nicely (as long as you remember to make sure the holes you choose to use aren't connected on the board.) After that everything worked out well. I've built 2 now!

Feel free to ask for any help.
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