Build Progress

Building a delta throttle? Make a thread here to share your progress and ask questions.

Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:12 am

Glad to see I'm not the only one attempting this project.

I just submitted the files to my university for printing (Gotta utilize the library before I graduate!) Should be ready in a week or sooner.

Purchased parts:

McMaster-Carr: Total came to $48.36 Plus "applicable shipping charges" (whatever that means)

Digi-Key: Only purchased the potentiometer. I can add switches later. Total come to about $15 (again shipping is not specified but an "estimate" was provided)

Sparkfun: Omitted the wire since not adding buttons now. Total: $28.99 (finally a solid answer on price lol)

Tower Hobbies: Total: $9.38

So for these parts I am spending about $110 after shipping. (adding in about $9 for McMaster-Carr shipping.)

Heads up to everyone: The pricing in the instructions is a bit off.
I am not too worried about this as I am more in it for the hobby but others may be shocked.
Simple math of the parts list he gives will show a difference too.

Another note on parts. I didn't feel like doing too much research but it may be possible to get some parts locally. With my busy schedule i don't have that time but just a thought.

I'll try to keep updating as parts arrive. Can't wait to start the build!
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Re: Build Progress

Postby zdayton » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:53 am

I can't wait to see what you build! Thanks for the heads up that the pricing is off. There are a few different options for parts you could buy, I will take a look at the instructions again and update if need be. Although I will say I don't recall spending that much but I will double check.
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Re: Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Fri Mar 06, 2015 4:50 am

All the parts are in!

I should be getting photos up this weekend and am looking into doing a video of the build process.

Final cost for the 3D printing came in at just under $15.

Regarding the pricing, I chose to use the Hex Stand-offs instead of 3D printing the upper arms.
I personally liked the look of it. For those who print everything, it will be cheaper.
Also, again, I didn't bother to look around for price options. If anyone has cheaper solutions, please share with the community! :)
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Re: Build Progress

Postby jeruw » Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:24 pm

So jealous of your printing costs! We don't have a service like that here, that I can find at least. In theory I can do it for free at the maker space I'm a member of but all the printers are down. Best I could find locally was around $300 to print the parts, about the same as Shapeways or some other online service.

Good luck with your build, can't wait to see it!

Regarding pricing, I picked up a pro micro board on ebay for around $6. I haven't tried programing it yet but it looks to be a generic version of the same series as the sparkfun pro micro. I'll report back on my thread when I've programmed and tested it. That was the biggest price break I was able to find looking for parts. I also ordered my traxxas parts from Amazon Prime. Not a big savings there.
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Re: Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:58 pm

Build Guide Part 1

I have the first video up!

This video is just an intro and parts shot.

Quick disclaimer: this is new for me. I am using a GoPro with no external mic.

Feedback is welcome, I will shoot the video shortly: prepping the printed components

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Re: Build Progress

Postby oijando » Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:30 pm

Video looks good! Resources like these will only help the community! Great job!
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Re: Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:19 pm

Almost done editing the second video. Look for it in the next few days.
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Re: Build Progress

Postby zdayton » Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:46 am

Very cool. I subbed you on youtube so hopefully I will see it when you post it.
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Re: Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:03 pm

Build Guide Part 2


Part 2 is up!

The first half is a recap of sanding the prints into shape.
The second half is the gluing of the arm halves together.

As always, feedback is much appreciated.
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Re: Build Progress

Postby Sotnax » Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:00 pm

It Broke!

So I ran into a problem while shooting video number 3.
After getting the threaded inserts installed, I tried to assemble everything to check that it works.
When tightening the Spring Clips to the base, there were issues that arose and my attempt to get around it broke the base. :(

Tomorrow spring break ends so timing is not bad. I will resubmit the design for re-printing but I am also making the fallowing revisions:

This is the revised Base. I added a hole in the middle for the wires to go through.
Also changed the spring retaining method to be a solid wall with a hole.
You build the arm with the spring, slide the spring into the hole, then rotate the arm into position.

This is a base i created to place the Delta Throttle on, thus hiding the electronics

New handle design. My hand din't find a good way to hold the current handle.
I am going to try this one. If it doesn't work, I can still use the original.
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