Commissioned Build

Commissioned Build

Postby malebox » Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:01 pm

First off, I just want to say I hate everyone here, bc I'm OBSESSED with this thing! On top of that, all of the different builds are amazing, and each one makes me desire this product more and more. I know there are several that filled out the survey, and according to what I've read, it doesn't sound like this will be a product sold to the masses any time soon. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure I'm patient enough to wait for that even if it were true.

So, on to my reason for being here. I've read through several of the builds, especially GhostPilots and SC-Maliks beauitful builds, and know I'm out of my depth to try and build one from scratch. I may have access to both CNC and 3D Printing through a friend and his overly enthusiastic engineering professor, who just happens to love things of this nature. But that's a big maybe, and even more so, I would have to learn all of this by myself for myself (I'm a finance man, a stubborn one that has taught myself many things, but nothing this advanced).

I understand that many of you building your own are still experimenting with different materials, designs, sensors, etc., and may not have a finished design/product set yet, but would anyone be interested in doing a commissioned build? I'll be honest, while I would love to have some of these fancier builds, having one period is my main objective. Price would be negotiated based on materials, production, and design time already put into the work. If this isn't feasible, it looks like I'll be hitting up some old friends who are head and shoulders better suited than myself for building something like this.

I'm not sure the protocol on something like this, but thought it better to ask than to just wonder all day. I'm truly inspired by all the work everyone has done, and part of me is wishing I had chosen a more suitable degree for something of this nature while throwing away all my money at college. At least then I could build useful tools like this.

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Re: Commissioned Build

Postby Zispinhoff » Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:20 pm

Hey, I'm a finance man too! We've got a lot of work to do in the coming months, huh? That's why we need this sort of escapism. I have my own 3d printer, and I had the exact same drive you do! I have built a couple of these now, but a commissioned build

Time and effort and materials, sure, that's understandable. Someone would want to be made whole for that if they were building it for someone else. But in the end, a LOT of this is zdayton's work. I know I wouldn't be comfortable pulling a profit off of a commissioned build.

It's a fairly slow response rate in these forums, sadly, and I know I don't speak for everyone. But with that said, I think you'll actually be better off working with your fiends and professor on this. You WILL learn about a lot of what makes these things tick, and you'll be able to incorporate Ideas of your own. That's the beauty of open-source projects likes this. Everyone makes it their own.

I learned a bunch about printing, programming, and design while building mine, and even improved the code and handle to expand their function. I'll make a post of my builds at some point. If you need help, feel free to message me, or reddit pm me, or whatever your preferred method is outside of the forum. I'm Zispinhoff everywhere.

Good luck! It'll be fun!
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Re: Commissioned Build

Postby Ghostpilot » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:44 am

My build isn't done and working yet either. I will resume work on it now after the summer vacation.
I may not have the answer you seek, but maybe you'll be interested in it anyway. It turns out that I will have parts left over from my build. Sometimes I made a mistake which resulted in a visually damaged part or sometimes I changed some measure in the last minute making a whole set of already made brackets not fit without drilling new holes, so I remade them. The faults are of the visual kind and the function is not impaired too much. It should be possible to make a good head start on a build from those parts. But it won't be an IKEA type solution as it will require some work to make everything fit. Anyway, I haven't thrown those parts away yet as I hoped that someone would be willing to put in some work and do a scrap build with them.
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